NNWWA: New Nature Writers Wit’ Attitude — Cornelius Fitz

The Latte Art Catastrophe is a dark comedy for decadent times. The opening episode looks aghast at the abuses of Nature and fetishism of trees in the New Nature Writing, as the writer Cornelius Fitz tackles his own magnum opus, A Year in a Puddle.

Cornelius Fitz is an an English teacher and long-time contributor to the Times Literary Supplement. His fiction, creative nonfiction, and reviews have appeared in 3:AM magazineSTORGYMinor Literature(s), and Berfrois. He recently completed a Masters in Cultural & Critical Studies at Birkbeck, University of London. He was awarded the inaugural Verso Prize for his degree and writing submitted on Speculative Aesthetics, an extract of which has been published on the Verso blog here. He can be found on Twitter as @lapsedhermit.